Don’t be a “BOURBON BUNNY!!”

Approaching your local wine steward about allocated bourbons requires a mix of tact, timing, and showing genuine interest. Allocated bourbons are often those bottles that are in high demand but limited in distribution, making them harder to find and sometimes kept off the shelves. Here’s a step-by-step guide to increase your chances of success:

Build a Relationship: Before diving into your request, it’s beneficial to frequent the store and establish a rapport with the staff and the wine steward. This will separate you from the “BOURBON BUNNY’s”, Engage in conversations about wine and spirits, showing your genuine interest and knowledge. This step helps in building trust and familiarity.

“Bourbon Bunny” : This is someone who ONLY stops in when they see on the internet, that everyone is getting big drops. Not a regular customer. Doesn’t even know the Wine Stewards name.

Choose the Right Time: Visit the store during off-peak hours when the staff is more likely to have time to talk. Avoid busy times like weekends or right before holidays. Most times during the week we have the time and LOVE to chat, as long as our regular work is done.

Ask Questions: Start the conversation with broader questions about bourbons or their selection of spirits. This could be about new arrivals, their recommendations, or anything that showcases your interest in their inventory. Don’t come in and LOOK up and down every aisle, or shelve. We usually don’t put them out and we can SPOT you guys from a mile away. They are not hidden for friends or our own personal use, they are so they don’t get hoarded, stolen and everyone has a chance at one. So when we ask “Are you looking for anything Particular”. If you say “No, I’m just looking”. Then we will walk away, even though we may have a whole cart in the back of the good stuff. And if you come back to find us and say “Well, I’m looking for anything from Buffalo Trace or any other allocated stuff”. Sorry, i have moved on, you blow your chance and now you are just FISHING for anything.

Express Specific Interest: Once the conversation is flowing, “Are you looking for anything in Particular?” NOW!! you can express your interest in allocated bourbons more specifically. Mention the types or brands you’re interested in without sounding like you are fishing for any bourbon that is allocated. It helps if you’re knowledgeable about the bourbons you’re asking for, showing that you appreciate their value and rarity.

Be Polite and Understanding: Recognize that not all requests can be fulfilled. Allocated bourbons are limited for a reason, and the steward might not be able to accommodate every request. Showing understanding and gratitude for their time and assistance goes a long way.

Leave Contact Information: If they don’t have what you’re looking for, offer your contact information and express your interest in being notified if they receive anything you might like. This shows your ongoing interest and opens a channel for future communication.

Thank Them for Their Time: Regardless of the outcome, thank the wine steward for their time and assistance. Maintaining a positive relationship is key for any future interactions.

Follow Up: If you’ve left your contact information, a polite follow-up after some time has passed can keep you on their radar without being intrusive.

    Remember, obtaining allocated bourbons often depends on timing, availability, and your relationship with the store and its staff. Patience and politeness are your best tools in this endeavor.